he's gonna kill me for posting this picture on my blog but i think its cute...
this weekend i got out all my books that i already own about knitting, and my knitting needles and finally got to work. i definitely dont consider myself a knitter, as a matter of fact i have avoided it for a long time because it just seems to much more difficult than crocheting. ive been crocheting for a long time and i remember how long it took me to understand exactly how it all worked. i thot that knitting would be the same but i think it actually maybe easier to understand. ive never finished anything besides a few scarves and ive never used circular needles before but i figured i give it a try... i turned out this hat on saturday. its alpaca and it sheds... he seems to like it tho :) and im glad.

i also decide to tackle cable knitting and i thot that was gonna be the most difficult thing ive ever done but it wasnt! i was so surprised that it only took me one try to turn out a perfect 4 stitch left cross cable, i think its beautiful!
i obsessed over this 3x4" piece of knitting all night long. i think that brian got a little annoyed with my incessant giggling after awhile but i understand. he says he likes the fact the i crochet and knit. once he said it seemed more like magic to him than a hobby or a craft. he likes to know how things work and i think it annoys him that he doesnt understand yarn craft...
i catch him peeking over my shoulder alot...

im frustrated.
i didn't figure out until half way thru my 3rd try that "make 1" and "increase 1" DO NOT mean the same thing ... i decided to go on anyway and start making stitches instead of increasing stitches. so we will see how it turns out im sure that once i finish im going to start on another and make sure i do it perfectly and then make it again in every color...